Friday, January 14, 2011


Well my midwives appointment went well on Tuesday, bub has turned and is Verrrrry low! So my midwife now thinks that I may go into labor early! So now I have started 'nesting'. For anyone who has had a baby, they will be very well aware what nesting is. The period a few weeks before you have your baby where you have the over powering urge to clean EVERYTHING! I remember being 9 months pregnant with Madison and scrubbing the grout between the kitchen floor tiles with a toothbrush! My girlfriend walked in and was like "Keysha what the Hell are you doing!?"
So so far I have re-arranged our bedroom to accommodate for my Boori Country cradle next to my side of the bed! I have almost finished setting up the final touches in the babies room, all I need is a floor mat and a cute lamp and it will be done! Today I went through every toy tub in the house and sorted and sifted through the tonnes of toys the girls have accumulated! I re-organized the girls wardrobe, books, clothes, individual toy tubs, (puzzle tub, pony tub, blocks tub etc) and by the end of the afternoon, I was exhausted! So tomorrows task is the pantry, and maybeeeee the linen press. I will have to see how brave I feel!

I have also been doing the last of  the organising for the baby. This is my favourite time when you make up the cot, wash and fold all the teeny tiny clothes and put in my Beautiful new chest of drawers that we bought for the baby! The cradle is made and ready, with soft and snuggly blankets ready to keep her snug:) And yesterday I did the last on the packing for mine and the babies bags for hospital!

It is a very exciting time, but also a very nervous and anxious wait! The thing I loved about having my first baby, was that I had nooooo idea what child birth would feel like! Everyone says "well atleast you know what to expect with your second!" Ah, I would rather be blissfully unaware thankyou very much! I have to say though, Madison's birth was a lot quicker and easier than Chloe's. They say each consecutive birth gets easier. Lets hope that goes for the next one! My girlfriends who don't have kids have asked me, "So whats it really like? What do contractions feel like? Does it hurt actually giving birth?" And all I say is that everyone has very different thresholds to pain and every ones body is different, therefore will labor differently. And yes it does hurt, more than I can ever tell you, but the reward you get at the finish, isn't something that you could ever put a price on. You may be in excruciating pain and screaming your lungs out for 24 hours straight! But you will have your baby forever. It is more than worth it!
So instead of thinking about the pain of the birth, I am thinking of the end result and the reason we do it in the first place. To be able to hold, and nurture and kiss and snuggle and watch grow and blossom, this tiny little being that you and the one you love have created together. That is the most beautiful thing in the world to me, and something so many take for granted.

So now we wait. 3 and a half more weeks until my due date, but my guestimate is that I will have her between the 24th and the 30th. We will soon see how accurate I was!:)

To finish, just a few sneak peaks at the nursery. I have chosen a pink and green 'gardeny' theme this time, and love the way it looks! Enjoy!:)