Friday, October 8, 2010

It's Popped!

Yup, my belly has finally 'popped'. This is a very technical term us preggo women use to announce that we no longer just look fat, but we actually look pregnant! And there are certain indicators of this. Such as:
  • when you need a pillow between your knees to sleep comfortably
  • you need to point your knee out to the side when putting on shoes, underwear etc
  • you need to crawl around on hands and knees to pick up the million and one toys your kids have splayed across the lounge room floor
  • you can comfortably balance a packet of chips/nuts/biscuits on your belly while you sit on the couch and watch repeats of the Hills
  • you can sit and watch your little being kick and squirm, as your belly jumps and moves (my fav)
This is my favourite time of being pregnant, the time in between the first 12 weeks when u feel like some days you could curl up into a ball and die, and the last month or so, when you feel like your belly is going to explode, you sound like a fat man when you breathe and walk with a Very unappealing waddle. Plus this is going to be my first pregnancy where I spend the end of it in the Summer. And anyone who knows me knows that I don't deal well with the heat at the best of times, let alone when I am 20 kgs over weight and carrying around a baby inside me! So Bill has been pre-warned, and will probably be spending most of the summer on the golf course!
But after saying all that, I feel so lucky that I am able to create, nourish and grow a healthy baby inside of me. So many take it for granted, and I think it is such a beautiful gift that so many abuse. Feeling your baby kick, is the most beautiful thing you can experience before meeting them in person, and as this is most probably our last baby, I am enjoying Every moment of it!
Chow for now!

It feels like Summer!

Well, the weather is getting warmer, the bbq has been pulled out of the garage and dusted off, and the house has been opened up for the upcoming summer weather! You can feel the change in the air as it nears, Golf Season starts again for the boys, I start to think about planning Chloe's bday party, and of course Christmas! My FAV time of year! When you are a kid, Christmas is so exciting, you do the little traditions like leaving the milk and cookies out and setting your Santa sack on the end of the bed. You can't fall asleep Christmas eve because you are so excited to wake up and see what Santa has brought for you. Then you wake up at 5am and race in and wake the whole house up, only to be sent back to lie awake in bed for the next 2 hours until Mum and Dad think it's a reasonable hour to get up! Then you get a little older and the tradition changes to going out with your friends Xmas eve, getting smashed and spending Xmas majorly hungover, only barely surviving the whole damn festive day without throwing up on your Christmas lunch. Then you settle down, have your own kids, and they get to the magical age where they know who Santa is, that they get to decorate a tree, start counting down the sleeps, and of course, most importantly, they are going to get HEAPS of presents! And all of a sudden, Christmas is a magical, exciting time again. I don't know who is more excited about Christmas this year, me or the girls! We are spending it at the beach this year, a tradition we haven't been able to do the last few years. Unfortunately I made the mistake of filling Chloe in on our plans a little too early, so for the last couple of months all I have been hearing is "Is it Christmas yet Mummy?" I think next year I will wait until the 1st of December when I bring the tree out to say "It's nearly Christmas!"
So now the planning begins. Not for everyone, only control freaks like me! Or if you have a 4 year old's birthday in November, Christmas in December, your husbands 30th in January and a baby due in February! But I think the planning is half the fun! I am currently searching for the perfect Santa sacks for my children to have from now on, and now we know the sex of the baby and have picked a name, I can order them already customized! Aahhh, so much to look forward to!
Chow for now! x

Monday, October 4, 2010

Hi, my names Keysha:)

Wow, I never thought I would start a blog! Well, its actually mostly for me, kind of a place I can write some of the stuff in my head down, vent, get away from the kids! So I am kind of winging it, so here goes!
My name is Keysha den Hartog, I am married to Bill and we have two beautiful little girls named Chloe, 4 in November! Madison who is 2, and another baby on the way! (Due Feb8th) I am a stay at home Mum who works Sundays as a gaming attendant. We live in a little town called Mooroopna, which is right next to Shepparton in Victoria, Australia. My life is kept very busy with my little girls, and now getting ready for bub!
I wasn't going to start a blog as I thought, well I'm not creative, I don't knit or sew or make anything spectacular, so I didn't think I would have anything to put up here! But I thought this would be a good tool for my family and friends to use to keep up to date with our ever growing family!
So just a quick introduction to get me started, and I will finish with something a girlfriend is doing on her blog, writing down 10 useless facts about myself! So here goes:

1. After I have had all my babies and get back into full time work I want to be a vet tech
2. I hate wine! I have tried so hard to like it (while not being pregnant ofcourse) but I just cant!
3. My fav food is Chicken Caesar Salad! Which sux when you are pregnant as you can't eat it!
4. I love the name Willow for a girl, but have been unable to call any of my girls it as my husband doesn't like it
5. I looooove reading, I own a tonne of novels, and could read a book every 2 or 3 days happily!
6. Bill and I have been together for 6 years this weekend:)
7. I love reality tv! I know, its bad, but I can't resist MTV!
8. I realllly want a new car!
9. I HATE confrontation
10. I am Fearcely protective of my family.

Well thats all for now! Once I work out how to get some photo's up, I will be back with more. Chow for now!:)