Friday, October 31, 2014

8 Years.

Chloe had her Grade 2 sleepover at school last night. She had an absolute ball, but it is so nice to have her asleep in her own bed and under our roof again tonight! She is turning 8 in 2 weeks, and it blows my mind that it has been so long since I held her in my arms for the first time.
She has always been an easy child. Even her pregnancy was a walk in the park., though her birth wasn’t such a breeze. I knew that first labours and deliveries tended to be a harder and longer process than consequent births. But nothing could have prepared me. My due date came and went, and at 7 days overdue, my midwife did a stretch and sweep. 2 days later, I had a show and contractions started at 7pm on the 13th of November, 2006. Bill stayed up with me for a few hours, stopwatch, pen and paper in hand, writing down the contraction counts. Little did we know how long of a journey we had ahead of us! He went to bed around midnight, and I was more than happy to turn most of the lights off and labour by myself in the cosy comfort of our home. Mostly I would rock. When a contraction started, I would lean on the bench with my forearms, hang my head and sway. When the contraction was over, I would lay down and close my eyes until the next one. I did this until 7 in the morning, when the contractions were around 5 minutes apart and becoming unbearably painful. I thought I must be getting close, as I really was in a lot of pain! So up bill jumped, packed me and the bags in the car, and we were off to the hospital. Once we go settled, the midwife did an internal and told me I was 3cm dilated. 3. CM. I cried. I became really scared. If it took this long and that amount of pain to get to a 3, what was I going to have to endure to reach a 10!? But with some encouragement from bill and a reminder of what we were going to get at the end, I soldiered on.
I tried labouring on the bed, on the ground, in the shower, in the bath, on the damn toilet, but nothing took the pain away. 4 hours later she checked me. I was at a 5. I lost it again. I just wanted to sleep! I wanted to go home to the brand new house we had built and made our home, with the little bassinet with the soft pink blanket beside our bed, and just try again another day. Unfortunately, that’s not how it works. I felt like I was in a dark hole full of nothing but pain and fear, and I couldn’t get myself out of it. Bill was amazing, he never left my side, and without him there I would have crumbled. When she checked me again around 4 hours later, I was at a 7. I was making progress but it was slooowww. Around 3 hours later, I went into transition. And anyone who has given birth knows that this is the most challenging, painful and scariest moment of labour. The contractions become so intense, so long with little to no rest in between. I honestly felt like I was being ripped apart from the inside out. It was awful. And I screamed. I had never felt more out of control of my body. With a normal contraction, it builds, it reaches a peak, and then it fades. And u go from huffing and puffing, moaning and groaning, to just standing there in no pain at all. It is strange, but that time in between gives you the time you need to get you ready for the next one. To remind yourself why you are doing this. To remind you that this is a normal process, and embrace it, not pull away and run from it. But during transition, you don’t have that time. It is one excruciating contraction after another. And it is HARD. Thankfully, it only lasts a short(ish) time, though it sure doesn’t feel like it at the time! With Chloe it lasted around an hour and a half. And then my ‘noises’ changed, and I started to feel pressure. And when the midwife checked me, she said the sweetest words in the world to a laboring woman, “You’re at a 10! Are you ready to meet your baby?” And boy was I ready!

It’s funny how most women who are expecting their first baby talk about how scared they are of the actual birth part. About ‘pushing a watermelon out of a pea hole’. And I was one of those women, I hadn’t really thought too much about the contraction part, but mostly about the pushing part. But once you finally get to that magic 10cm’s and get the urge to push, your body completely takes over. And you go from just enduring each contraction to actually focusing on pushing this babe out of your body and into your arms. Yes it still hurts, but it’s the best feeling in the world. I pushed for almost an hour with Chloe. I still remember looking down between my legs when her head was about half way out, and it looked like this little tennis ball with lots of dark hair! (Obviously that didn’t last long!) When her head was completely out, it took one last push and she was out and straight on to my chest. At 7.26pm on the 14th of November 2006, our lives changed forever. It was the most beautiful, empowering, self-defining moment of my life. I didn’t cry, I just looked at this little person Bill and I had created, and had no words. She was so beautiful. 

She has always been such a happy baby, a smart and inquisitive little girl, and she is just blossoming. I’m so proud of the person she is turning in to. So gentle and kind, yet willing to stand up and fight for what she believes is right. People say we need to teach our children the ways of the world, but I am learning from her every day. 

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Time Flies...

Wow, it has been a while since i posted anything on my poor, neglected little blog! Reading back through the previous posts has been so strange, it reminds you how quickly time passes. Alot has happened since my last post, our beautiful Olivia Willow was born on the 16th of February, the 2 'big girls' in school, Bill starting a new business and we are expecting another baby. How times change! So I am going to make more of an effort to find the time to update this blog. A little place where i can document our lives, and catch some of those moments that just seem to pass before we can appreciate them.

It’s 10.26pm and I am sitting on the couch by myself because I can’t sleep. Again. In the 1st trimester of this pregnancy, I struggled to keep my eyes open past 7, now I’m lucky if I get to sleep before midnight! It is safe to say that this pregnancy is very different from the others. So far atleast. I wonder if it's because I am carrying a boy for the 1st time after birthing 3 little girls? I will never forget those 3 magical words the day of the amniocentesis, ‘It’s a Boy’. The tears were out before I even felt them coming. After doing everything possible to try and conceive a boy, and knowing that this was our last child, the relief was immense. Now don’t think for a second that if it had have been a baby girl, we wouldn’t have loved and cherished that babe as much as we have our other 3 little women, but to give my husband a so longed for son was the best feeling in the world. 

So now we wait. And I grow this little person inside of me. I have always loved being pregnant. Once you get past the first few months and start to get your energy back, watching your body grow and nourish that baby is amazing. I have been amazed each time at what my body is capable of. I feel so very blessed to be able to create life with the one I love. And I cant wait to meet our last little blessing, the final piece to our puzzle.

So I have been focusing on trying to look after myself, which isn't easy with 3 little girls with a social life like theirs! Between school, gymnastics, calisthenics, ballet, swimming lessons, play dates, etc it has been hard to find the time to just rest. I wouldn't change my life for the world, but my God its tiring! Throw in a husband who runs his own business and works crazy hours, and it all becomes a little overwhelming sometimes!

But that’s all part of being a mother and a wife. I am so lucky to be able to be a stay at home mum, and I really do cherish it. So I may not have time to do my makeup every morning, and I spend more time organizing my kids social life than I do mine, but that’s fine with me. Because before I know it, they will be grown and wont need me to take care of them anymore. And that is a day this mama dreads!

Well I'm off to lay awake in bed for a couple more hours! Haha The joys of pregnancy! 


Friday, January 14, 2011


Well my midwives appointment went well on Tuesday, bub has turned and is Verrrrry low! So my midwife now thinks that I may go into labor early! So now I have started 'nesting'. For anyone who has had a baby, they will be very well aware what nesting is. The period a few weeks before you have your baby where you have the over powering urge to clean EVERYTHING! I remember being 9 months pregnant with Madison and scrubbing the grout between the kitchen floor tiles with a toothbrush! My girlfriend walked in and was like "Keysha what the Hell are you doing!?"
So so far I have re-arranged our bedroom to accommodate for my Boori Country cradle next to my side of the bed! I have almost finished setting up the final touches in the babies room, all I need is a floor mat and a cute lamp and it will be done! Today I went through every toy tub in the house and sorted and sifted through the tonnes of toys the girls have accumulated! I re-organized the girls wardrobe, books, clothes, individual toy tubs, (puzzle tub, pony tub, blocks tub etc) and by the end of the afternoon, I was exhausted! So tomorrows task is the pantry, and maybeeeee the linen press. I will have to see how brave I feel!

I have also been doing the last of  the organising for the baby. This is my favourite time when you make up the cot, wash and fold all the teeny tiny clothes and put in my Beautiful new chest of drawers that we bought for the baby! The cradle is made and ready, with soft and snuggly blankets ready to keep her snug:) And yesterday I did the last on the packing for mine and the babies bags for hospital!

It is a very exciting time, but also a very nervous and anxious wait! The thing I loved about having my first baby, was that I had nooooo idea what child birth would feel like! Everyone says "well atleast you know what to expect with your second!" Ah, I would rather be blissfully unaware thankyou very much! I have to say though, Madison's birth was a lot quicker and easier than Chloe's. They say each consecutive birth gets easier. Lets hope that goes for the next one! My girlfriends who don't have kids have asked me, "So whats it really like? What do contractions feel like? Does it hurt actually giving birth?" And all I say is that everyone has very different thresholds to pain and every ones body is different, therefore will labor differently. And yes it does hurt, more than I can ever tell you, but the reward you get at the finish, isn't something that you could ever put a price on. You may be in excruciating pain and screaming your lungs out for 24 hours straight! But you will have your baby forever. It is more than worth it!
So instead of thinking about the pain of the birth, I am thinking of the end result and the reason we do it in the first place. To be able to hold, and nurture and kiss and snuggle and watch grow and blossom, this tiny little being that you and the one you love have created together. That is the most beautiful thing in the world to me, and something so many take for granted.

So now we wait. 3 and a half more weeks until my due date, but my guestimate is that I will have her between the 24th and the 30th. We will soon see how accurate I was!:)

To finish, just a few sneak peaks at the nursery. I have chosen a pink and green 'gardeny' theme this time, and love the way it looks! Enjoy!:)

Monday, January 10, 2011

I'm back!

So it has been a while since I did my last blog entry! It seems every time i sit down to write something, the girls start fighting, the washing machine finishes, or something equally mundane pops up and I have to abort the task at hand!
So I am 36 weeks prego 2moro, and very excited to soon meet our baby girl! I have a midwives app tomorrow afternoon, and my midwife is going to see if the little munchkin is still breech, (which she is, trust me!) and if so, is going to schedule me an app with the doctor for him to try and ‘turn’ her. Now I was a little unsure about the sound of this, so started asking all my girlfriends if they had any experience with this. Well...big mistake! All I have heard is “it is the worse pain I have ever felt!” And this coming from ladies who themselves have had natural births and know what real pain is! Regardless, I will do whatever it takes to have the safest birth for my baby, so fingers crossed she cooperates and turns all by herself!
It has been super hot here, so I have been struggling with the heat a bit. I’m just soooo tiiiirrreeddd! I just sit on the couch looking at all the house work and think, “sweet baby Jesus.” And then I start saying things like “Chloe, if you pick up all the toys in the lounge room, I’ll give u a lollypop!” Sooo bad, I know. But anything on the floor is in the too hard basket. If I drop something, it’s like it’s in slow motion with me going “Noooooooo!” It is just so hard to bend all the way down to pick anything up. So when I see a loungeroom scattered with little girl’s toys, I just want to curl into a foetal position and rock!

It’s not all bad. This will definitely (most probablyJ) be our last baby, so every little kick, hiccup or roll is special! People keep saying to me, “oh you must be dying for it to be over!” Well, not when you know you will probably never go through this experience again! And what is it with people telling you whatever is on their mind about your pregnancy or family? I had a customer at work say to me “So do you know what you are having?” And I said, “Yes, our third little girl!” And they turned around and said “Oh you poor things, I feel sorry for u.” Me thinking he was joking started laughing, and he just stood there looking at me as if to say, ‘No, I’m serious!’ Needless to say I calmly turned around, walked away and insisted on my work mate dealing with him thereafter. How dare he say something like that? So what if we don’t get the boy I know Bill would love, but we have 3 healthy, beautiful little girls, (well, nearly!) who we both adore and treasure, and would not give up for the world! Some people should just keep their opinions to themselves!
On that note, now I have got my venting done!
I got to do my favourite thing in the world the other day. Bill was at home so said “Why don’t you go into town and get yourself a book?” Well, I think I had my bag and keys and was halfway out the door before he could finish the sentence! I could browse around a book shop alllll day! The smell of the brand new books, the feel of the fresh, uncreased covers. There is just something about a bookshop that makes me so calm, I just forget about everything else and get lost in the stories and re-encounters on the pages. I ended up straying from the novels and actually got a book called ‘Raising Girls’ instead! Which is turning out to be a very interesting read which I’m sure will come in very handy in the coming years!
Anyhoo, I will be back soon to keep my posts up, well at least until the baby comes! Here are some Belly Pics with my beautiful Chloe:) She loves her little sister so much already, kissing and cuddling my belly all the time! Is too cute! Chow for now!:)


Friday, October 8, 2010

It's Popped!

Yup, my belly has finally 'popped'. This is a very technical term us preggo women use to announce that we no longer just look fat, but we actually look pregnant! And there are certain indicators of this. Such as:
  • when you need a pillow between your knees to sleep comfortably
  • you need to point your knee out to the side when putting on shoes, underwear etc
  • you need to crawl around on hands and knees to pick up the million and one toys your kids have splayed across the lounge room floor
  • you can comfortably balance a packet of chips/nuts/biscuits on your belly while you sit on the couch and watch repeats of the Hills
  • you can sit and watch your little being kick and squirm, as your belly jumps and moves (my fav)
This is my favourite time of being pregnant, the time in between the first 12 weeks when u feel like some days you could curl up into a ball and die, and the last month or so, when you feel like your belly is going to explode, you sound like a fat man when you breathe and walk with a Very unappealing waddle. Plus this is going to be my first pregnancy where I spend the end of it in the Summer. And anyone who knows me knows that I don't deal well with the heat at the best of times, let alone when I am 20 kgs over weight and carrying around a baby inside me! So Bill has been pre-warned, and will probably be spending most of the summer on the golf course!
But after saying all that, I feel so lucky that I am able to create, nourish and grow a healthy baby inside of me. So many take it for granted, and I think it is such a beautiful gift that so many abuse. Feeling your baby kick, is the most beautiful thing you can experience before meeting them in person, and as this is most probably our last baby, I am enjoying Every moment of it!
Chow for now!

It feels like Summer!

Well, the weather is getting warmer, the bbq has been pulled out of the garage and dusted off, and the house has been opened up for the upcoming summer weather! You can feel the change in the air as it nears, Golf Season starts again for the boys, I start to think about planning Chloe's bday party, and of course Christmas! My FAV time of year! When you are a kid, Christmas is so exciting, you do the little traditions like leaving the milk and cookies out and setting your Santa sack on the end of the bed. You can't fall asleep Christmas eve because you are so excited to wake up and see what Santa has brought for you. Then you wake up at 5am and race in and wake the whole house up, only to be sent back to lie awake in bed for the next 2 hours until Mum and Dad think it's a reasonable hour to get up! Then you get a little older and the tradition changes to going out with your friends Xmas eve, getting smashed and spending Xmas majorly hungover, only barely surviving the whole damn festive day without throwing up on your Christmas lunch. Then you settle down, have your own kids, and they get to the magical age where they know who Santa is, that they get to decorate a tree, start counting down the sleeps, and of course, most importantly, they are going to get HEAPS of presents! And all of a sudden, Christmas is a magical, exciting time again. I don't know who is more excited about Christmas this year, me or the girls! We are spending it at the beach this year, a tradition we haven't been able to do the last few years. Unfortunately I made the mistake of filling Chloe in on our plans a little too early, so for the last couple of months all I have been hearing is "Is it Christmas yet Mummy?" I think next year I will wait until the 1st of December when I bring the tree out to say "It's nearly Christmas!"
So now the planning begins. Not for everyone, only control freaks like me! Or if you have a 4 year old's birthday in November, Christmas in December, your husbands 30th in January and a baby due in February! But I think the planning is half the fun! I am currently searching for the perfect Santa sacks for my children to have from now on, and now we know the sex of the baby and have picked a name, I can order them already customized! Aahhh, so much to look forward to!
Chow for now! x

Monday, October 4, 2010

Hi, my names Keysha:)

Wow, I never thought I would start a blog! Well, its actually mostly for me, kind of a place I can write some of the stuff in my head down, vent, get away from the kids! So I am kind of winging it, so here goes!
My name is Keysha den Hartog, I am married to Bill and we have two beautiful little girls named Chloe, 4 in November! Madison who is 2, and another baby on the way! (Due Feb8th) I am a stay at home Mum who works Sundays as a gaming attendant. We live in a little town called Mooroopna, which is right next to Shepparton in Victoria, Australia. My life is kept very busy with my little girls, and now getting ready for bub!
I wasn't going to start a blog as I thought, well I'm not creative, I don't knit or sew or make anything spectacular, so I didn't think I would have anything to put up here! But I thought this would be a good tool for my family and friends to use to keep up to date with our ever growing family!
So just a quick introduction to get me started, and I will finish with something a girlfriend is doing on her blog, writing down 10 useless facts about myself! So here goes:

1. After I have had all my babies and get back into full time work I want to be a vet tech
2. I hate wine! I have tried so hard to like it (while not being pregnant ofcourse) but I just cant!
3. My fav food is Chicken Caesar Salad! Which sux when you are pregnant as you can't eat it!
4. I love the name Willow for a girl, but have been unable to call any of my girls it as my husband doesn't like it
5. I looooove reading, I own a tonne of novels, and could read a book every 2 or 3 days happily!
6. Bill and I have been together for 6 years this weekend:)
7. I love reality tv! I know, its bad, but I can't resist MTV!
8. I realllly want a new car!
9. I HATE confrontation
10. I am Fearcely protective of my family.

Well thats all for now! Once I work out how to get some photo's up, I will be back with more. Chow for now!:)